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Pre and Post Surgical Instruction Form





Fasting for Children:   This is for your safety! Do not eat for at least 6 hours ( 8 hours for 10y or older)  prior  to appointment time- no foods, milk, soups and breast milk, soup, broth.

- Do not brush your teeth.

- Please clean and remove foods and liquids from your car and car seat.  

- Severe complications may occur if food/liquid is present in the stomach during anesthesia. Cancellation fees will be applied due to improper fasting.

Clear liquids are allowed up until 3 hours ( 4 hours for 10yo or older)  prior to appointment time. Safe liquids include water, apple juice, grape juice, clear sodas, clear Jell-O, and popsicles (no broth, soup,solid fruit, or dairy or cream).


Fasting for Adults: fast for 8 hours for food, and 4 hours for clear liquids as above.



-Wear short sleeved T-shirt

-Bring Diapers, pull-ups, and extra change of clothes, a small Blanket

-Bring a stroller to carry children home

-Remove all jewelry, watch, hair ornaments


MEDICATION:  Do not stop taking any medications before consulting with your doctor. Avoid a vaccination at least 7 days prior to the appointment or 7 days after your dental procedure.


HEALTH STATUS:  If you have a cold/runny nose/wet cough or an acute asthma attack within 1 week prior to the scheduled appointment, please call our office.




SUPERVISION:  All patients  must have  a parent/guardian to leave the office. Please allow 30 minutes to 1-hour recovery time before leaving our office. A child must be in a car seat and wear a seat belt. After the procedure, the patient will be drowsy, with poor balance and coordination for about 6-8 hours. Children need to be supervised for the rest of the day. Avoid stairs, running, climbing, or playing outdoors. Schooling is generally permitted the next day. In some instances, a child may react in a combative manner similar to a temper tantrum. Adults are not to drive automobiles or operate machinery for the rest of the day until recovery is completed.


Minor side effects such as drowsiness, dry throat, shivering, headaches, and dizziness are common. Nausea may be present but vomiting is less common. 


Avoid all food and liquids for 2 hours after leaving the office. Restart with clear liquids such as juice, water or clear soda for 2 additional hours. Diet may be slowly advanced to soft foods such as milk, cereal, Jello, pudding, yogurt, bread etc as tolerated. Avoid meat, cheese, ice cream, soup and salty foods for 6 hours. Pain and low-grade fever should be treated with Tylenol® or Ibuprofen®. Please notify Dr. Tran or your dentist if the temperature is higher than 100.5 F, or vomiting continues for more than 6 hours. Dr. Tran can be reached after hours at 571-243-4451.

©2021 by Olympic Anesthesia.

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